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Meow dear Cat Lovers.
I am Romy, a cat with special talents.
They say I'm 11 years old, but they don't know that for sure, because my previous owners left me at the animal shelter without papers.
The life in the family was already questionable, but when I found myself in the shelter, I really thought I had landed in hell. Well, thank God Anneke found me quickly and saved me. I was so happy when she finally appeared; I was afraid my telepathic abilities had let me down.
As I said, nobody knows exactly where I come from, but Anneke is originally from Düsseldorf, that's in Germany. You can't exactly say that she grew tall there because at 1.57 meters she definitely can't reach the top shelves in the supermarket.
Well, in March 2005 she finally emigrated to Ireland and we both live together in Cork.
I'm full of fluff and when my coat gets too long, I develop dreadlocks. But twice a year a 'Mecki' cut helps against that. 'Mecki' is a fictional German hedgehog character and the namesake for this particular hairstyle is. It really makes life more pleasant, especially in summer.
Not that Irish summers are particularly hot.
My breed is listed as Ragamuffin, but that shouldn't matter.
Unlike Anneke, I'm quite a big cat, with beautiful South Pacific turquoise eyes. Anneke's are brown, but we have in common that we are a bit round around the hips.
Well, what can you do when you enjoy life?
What's great is that Anneke takes me everywhere with her when she goes to visit friends.
Driving is great, especially when I can look out of the window.
And the friends' houses are great too. So much to sniff and discover. The shoe cupboards and pantries are the best.
What I don't like so much is that Anneke has to work all day. Well, someone has to bring in the money for the sweet life, but it's a bit boring during the day.
That's why I learned how Anneke's computer works and now I browse the internet whenever I feel like it.
And since I also want to contribute something to the up- keep, I thought I'd write a few stories.
So, my dear listeners, I hope you have fun.
Meow, your Romy
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